If the body shows 4 symptoms, it may be targeted by arterial sclerosis – don’t take it lightly.

In the fast-paced modern life, health has become a common concern for everyone. Particularly as lifestyles change and the trend of aging populations continues, atherosclerosis has gradually become a focal point of attention. This disease can creep up on one’s body unknowingly, and once it strikes, it can have serious consequences. To help everyone detect and combat atherosclerosis early, this article will introduce the four main warning signs of the condition.

Take Mr. Zhang as an example; he is 50 years old and works under high pressure, often working late into the night. He began to frequently experience symptoms of dizziness and chest tightness, at first dismissing them as just tiredness from work and not taking them seriously. Over time, these symptoms did not diminish but instead became increasingly severe. Later, during a health check-up at his company, he was diagnosed with atherosclerosis. The doctor told him that if he had paid attention to these discomforts sooner and sought medical attention in a timely manner, the disease would not have progressed to its current state. This case reminds us that we must not ignore any abnormal signals from the body and should seek medical examination immediately if discomfort arises.

The four warning signs of atherosclerosis include: dizziness, headaches, chest tightness, chest pain, limb numbness, and blurred vision. Although these symptoms are common, they could be the alarm bells of atherosclerosis. If not taken seriously, we may miss the best opportunity for treatment. Atherosclerosis is a disease that affects the entire body; it can affect multiple organs and systems. Mainly because too much fat, calcium, and other deposits accumulate within the arterial walls, leading to stiff, narrowed, or even blocked vessels. When blood flow is obstructed, various parts of the body will not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, triggering a series of health issues.

To prevent and improve atherosclerosis, the following methods can be tried:

  • Mediterranean diet: This diet focuses on olive oil, nuts, whole grains, fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables as the main ingredients. These foods are rich in beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, which help to lower blood lipids and vascular inflammation.
  • Regular exercise: Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, which can enhance cardiorespiratory function and promote blood circulation.
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake: Nicotine in tobacco and alcohol can damage the endothelial cells inside blood vessels and accelerate the process of atherosclerosis, so quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is very important for preventing and treating atherosclerosis.

In addition to these recommendations, regular health check-ups are also indispensable, as they can help detect and control risk factors for atherosclerosis such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and diabetes early. At the same time, maintaining a positive attitude towards life and good sleep quality is also one of the key elements in preventing this disease.

Health is the foundation of life; let us listen carefully to every signal from our body and master the right health knowledge to guard against and control the potential threat of atherosclerosis.

Let’s start now to cherish every moment of our healthy time!

“Arteries unobstructed, the tree of life evergreen; heed the body’s signals, health accompanies you on your journey.”

May every reader have a healthy, happy life!

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